Group-Based Social Network Web App

Single-page application for group-based social networking similar to Reddit, built with React and JavaScript

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  • Created Ginger, a group-based social network application using the MERN web development technology stack.
  • Built backend using Express and MongoDB, exposing REST APIs for object creation, modification, and deletion.
  • Deployed WebSockets for push notifications and infinite scroll, enabling live post feeds on client side.
Group main page


User Operations

  • Sign Up. Users can sign up for an account by providing a username, email, and password.
  • Log In. Users can log in to their account using their username and password.
  • Log Out. Users can log out of their account.
  • Edit Profile. Users can edit their profile information, including their username, email, and password.
  • Deactivate Account. Users can deactivate their account, which will hide their profile and posts from other users.
Left: Signup page; Middle: Profile page; Right: Profile update page.

Group Operations

  • Create Group. Users can create a new group by providing a name, icon, labels. Groups can either be public or private.
  • Invite Users. Group owners can invite other users to join their group.
  • Manage Group. Group admins can add new admins and remove members from the group.
Left: Group creation page; Middle: Invite users to group; Right: Manage Group admins.

Post Operations

  • Create Post. Users can create a new post in a group by providing a title, content, and optional media files, including images, videos, and audio.
  • Delete Post. Users can delete their own posts.
  • Flag or Hide Post. Users can flag or hide posts that violate community guidelines. Admins of the group will be notified and can take action.
  • Comment on Post. Users can comment on posts to share their thoughts and opinions.
  • Mentions. Users can mention other users in their posts and comments using the @ symbol. The user mentioned will receive a notification.
Left: Post creation page; Right: Post presentation page with comments.

Other Features

  • Infinite Scroll. Posts are loaded dynamically as the user scrolls down the page.
  • Push Notifications. Users receive real-time notifications for new posts, comments, and mentions. This is made possible using WebSockets.
  • Suggestions. Users will receive suggestions for groups to join based on the labels they are already in.
Left: Notification of flags; Right: Notification of mentions.


This project uses the MERN stack: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js.

  • Frontend. The frontend is built with React using JavaScript. Material-UI is used for UI elements.
  • Backend. The backend is built with Node.js and Express. MongoDB is used as the database. Multimedia files can be stored in either GridFS or AWS S3.